• Do you feel a burning passion to share your story, message, mission in a way that changes lives?
  • Do you long to connect with and give voice to the deepest part of your soul?
  • Do you want to make a massive impact- to change, transform and even save lives with your story but don’t know HOW?
  • Do you know you have a book in you but feel overwhelmed about how to start, to write/publish it and worry about what your family or friends will think once you do? 
  • Do you have a million ideas or one big one but don’t ever seem to have the time to create the writing, articles, content that will let you make the difference you’re here to make?
  • Do you worry that another year will go by and you won’t get your mission out into the world- that you’ll die with your music still inside you?
  • Do you yearn for the freedom, space, nourishment and connection that will allow you to express, write and fulfill your destiny?
  • And do you want to feel the MAGIC in life and allow the journey to be FUN?!

If you KNOW this is your year to make a huge impact and get your book/story/mission out into the world but find yourself procrastinating, putting other projects first, feeling stressed and overwhelmed by your to do list and giving in to the fears and excuses for why you’re not good/capable/something enough to go all the way, you’re in the right place. 

Maybe you feel a calling to write a memoir, a self-help book, a blog or a series of articles that will transform readers. Maybe you want to write the next Bestseller. Or write incredible social media or marketing copy that will serve, inspire and attract your ideal client to immediately want to work with you. Maybe you want to join the writers that changed your life- to be the lifeline, the blast of hope, the puzzle piece for those that will only be able to receive it from you. 

Many of my clients felt they should have been able to write on their own- to navigate the journey without help- to write and publish their books/articles/blogs/stories without any training or assistance, in the midst of running a businesses, parenting their children, caring for elderly family members and supporting their communities. That maybe their inner critic was right. Who were they to author a book, speak on stages, call themselves a leader, transform lives?

But deep in their souls they KNEW they felt the calling of their vision. They KNEW there were people out there they were meant to serve, heal and transform. That they were here for a purpose and sharing their story and mission could change the world.

They felt the calling to . . . 

  • Find their voice and FLOW
  • Write and publish a bestselling book
  • Speak on conference stages
  • Give a TEDx talk
  • Lead a movement
  • Help even one person who was suffering

If you have felt this calling too- I believe it’s because your story is needed. You are capable, worthy, important- beyond words. What’s more- I believe you are the only one who can bring the message you are here to bring. That there is someone sitting somewhere right now- needing your story, your insight, your vision.

What if, instead of putting it off, wrestling with fear, and listening to those self-doubting thoughts- you could connect to your soul, tap into the colossal power of a natural vortex, choose your next big idea, blast through those limiting thoughts, be filled with inspiration and guidance, and make a huge leap the work you are here to share?



You’re invited May 14-16, 2020 to join us in the WRITING IN THE VORTEX VIRTUAL RETREAT for a truly spectacular experience. Embark with a powerful group of women on a mission to transform and inspire others as we come together to deepen, expand and more fully unleash our positive impact on the world. 

Whether you are interested in writing and publishing books, articles, essays, stories, social media or email posts, legacy writing (for family and friends) or any other writing project, this virtual retreat will help you have a writing and mission breakthrough- and ultimately help you make the ripple effect you are here to make.

If you truly clarified your vision, unleashed your story and became the author and thought leader you are here to be, perhaps you would:

  • Double your income
  • Be seen as a leader in your field
  • Speak on the stages where you’ve previously sat in the audience
  • Appear on national podcasts
  • Serve thousands more people
  • Uplift, transform- even save a life

These are things I’ve done and my clients have done and continue to do based on the powerful work we’ll do together in the virtual retreat. 

Some of my clients have asked: What if I don’t consider myself a writer? What if I don’t have a clear project idea? What if I don’t follow through and do the work?

I felt all of these concerns before. The experience changed my life and inspired me to create similarly transformational experiences for coaches and entrepreneurs with the same calling I had- to write and publish, to make and huge impact through sharing my story and mission. 

Writers and entrepreneurs of all experience levels are welcome. My hope is that you will join us and experience the same!

What Women Are Saying...

Sara's events are Awesome! The Energy flowed from Sara's spirit and the atmosphere was POWERFUL!! I took valuable notes and lessons- several aha moments! I will be there in 2020! 

I felt an energy, a palpable feeling of inspiration and 'can do it ness". I left feeling I could fly! 

I loved the music, inspirational stories and all you did to create a space to interact and connect with each other. The whole event for me (and I go to lots of events) was professional, tasteful, great content and high standards. I will be there this year!


Thursday May 14-Saturday May 16, 2020
(arriving Wednesday night the 13th)

Arrive Wednesday night. Retreat begins Thursday 9:00AM.
Concludes Saturday around 4:00PM.

90 Ridge Trail Drive, Sedona, AZ 86351

3-day retreat, Vision Quest, and all supplies
(hotel rooms and meals not included)

We have a block of rooms reserved at our gorgeous location.
Book your room at the link below or call and reference code SARA.
Phone: 877 273-3762
Code: SARA


Regular pricing = $147

Special Early Bird Pricing

(Register this week)


About Sara

Sara Connell is an award winning author and the founder of Thought Leader Academy. She helps coaches, writers and entrepreneurs breakout as leaders in their field by becoming successful, published- even bestselling- authors and in-demand speakers.  Sara has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, The View, FOX Chicago, NPR, and Katie Couric. Sara has presented at Fortune 500 and National organizations such as: Avon, Estee-Lauder, Johnson & Johnson, GE, Northwestern Hospital, Jones Lang LaSalle, and Unilever. She received the Judith Dawn Memorial Grant for fiction and has presented at Northwestern University, Printer’s Row Literary Festival, Open Books and teaches regularly at Story Studio Chicago. Her writing has appeared in: The New York Times, Forbes, Tri Quarterly, Good Housekeeping, Parenting, Psychobabble and The Bangelore Review. Her first book Bringing In Finn was nominated for ELLE magazine 2012 Book of the Year.  



90 Ridge Trail Drive, Sedona, AZ 86351

Tranquility and elegance at this resort, Hilton Sedona Resort at Bell Rock is set amidst the spectacular beauty of the magnificent red rock formations surrounding Sedona, AZ

Phone: 877 273-3762
Code: SARA

Hotel Website

Check out Success Stories from our Thought Leader Clients HERE:  www.saraconnell.com/thoughtleadersuccess

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