How a low point during COVID gave birth to a bestseller
How Jennifer launched a multimedia bestseller!
How Donna Became a Bestselling Children's Book Author & Speaker
How Alex shared her truth and became a bestseller
How Inger got an agent after writing a New York Times article!
How Justine found the courage to publish her memoir and start her movement
How Sarah started a movement to heal kids and adults with her first book
How Simona became a bestseller / #1 New Release after thinking she could never write a book!
How Diana got to #1 new release
on Amazon and became a
bestselling author the day
her book launched
Why Josh is an autistically proud,
award-winning writer
proving all the bullies wrong
After 37 rejections, how Toby got
an Agent and a film deal in 30 days
How Megan Got #1 Bestseller New Release on her launch day!
How Erin's mission propelled her into Thought Leadership.
How David mastered selling books at festivals!
Watch Stefanie's inspiring story!
How Arthur got top endorsements for his book!
Find out why Amy felt compelled to publish this book and how she overcame the fear of what her family would think!
How Maura got a book contract for a first-time author.
How losing her mom inspired Jen to publish her writing.
How Caroline is inspiring kids to become great global citizens as an author!
Watch Christie's inspiring story!
How Christina Became a Bestselling Author & Speaker
How Joseph found a publisher
for his children's book and released
a second book all in one year
How Marina became a bestseller
and impacted thousands
in her second language
Find out how Julie started
getting paid to write at 60
and published her first book.
It's never too late!
50% Complete
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